June 01, 2014

Grace Notes, God-beams and Alpenglow


A grace note is one which, although added by the composer, does not need to be played.  When done so, it is entirely in the musician's gift.  To the listener it is a pleasant surprise and allows the virtuoso to stamp their identity on the rhythm.  It is unlooked for, and all the more pleasing for that - especially in the hands of a maestro.   The experience is uplifting.

God-beams are spotted from afar when light breaks through clouds in clear rays high lighting distant fields or foam capped waves.  Usually they happen on cloudy days when the sun breaks through fleetingly, often between sudden deluges of rain.  To see one, from afar, draws the eye heavenwards.

In the mountainous country of Switzerland the Alps tower over Europe and catch the last glints of the sun as it wends Westwards.  The topmost ridges and peaks are illuminated and glow luminescent, exciting the gaze upwards - Alpenglow.

Each of these happy occasions takes us out of ourselves, removes us from the daily grind and enhances our awareness of the greater universe and our place in it.  Suddenly we are drawn to contemplate the spiritual.  That's what this geezer is doing.

May 24, 2014


One of the oldest symbols of love is the heart.  For some reason the ancients felt that this was where the emotion came from.  Nowadays we know that all human emotion is generated in the brain but we still talk of giving someone our heart.  Or, when someone is speaking earnestly, that they are speaking from the heart - that what they are saying is heartfelt.  You don't have to be a New Age mystic to understand that expression or, indeed, what it expresses.

Inside all of us, according to psychology, is the male and the female part.  Externally we seek to balance that with someone else's personality.  In this drawing of a heart I put together these ideas and the connections that bind us.  We talk of someone as being heartless and others of being all heart.  The words go on.  Who would want to be cruel-hearted?  Finally, who would not want to be of good heart?

Science may have the brain but experience has the heart.